Artist Information
The Newfie Bullet in Clarenville by Rodney Hand (2023)
Northern Lights of Labrador by Rodney Hand (2022)
Home for Christmas by Kelly McEntegart-Sheppard (2021)
Christmas In the Cove by Kelly McEntegart-Sheppard (2020)
Home Coming by Lloyd Pretty (2019)
Reflection of the Season by Kelly McEntegart-Sheppard (2018)
Midnight Service by Lloyd Pretty (2017)
Heading Home by Troy Birmingham (2016)
The Turkey Raffle by Norman Bursey (2015)
Getting Ready by Reilly Fitzgerald (2014)
Guiding Light by Lloyd Pretty (2013)
Christmas Skates by Kelly McEntegart-Sheppard (2012)
Outport Caroling by Odell Archibald (2011)
Making Memories by Dale Ryan (2010)
Daddy’s Little Star by Mary (Power) Dunphy (2009)
Can you see him? by Larry Mahoney (2008)
Christmas Visitors by Ed Roche (2007)
That One! by Troy Birmingham (2006)
Outport Christmas by Dave Hoddinott (2005)
Christmas Past with the Newfoundland Pony by Edwin Snook (2004)
Kitchen Party by Kelly McEntegart Sheppard (2003)
In Nan’s Kitchen by Kathy Sweetapple (2002)
Saltwater Santa by Dawn Baker (2001)
Silent Night by Julia Bursey George (2000)
Knock, Knock, Any Mummers L’lowed In by Louise Colbourne Andrews (1999)
Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce
263 Memorial Drive
Clarenville, NL A5A 1R5
Ph: 709-466-5800
Toll Free: 1-888-466-5800
Fax: 709-466-5803
Emergency Contacts
RCMP: 466-3211
Fire Department: 466-7777
Ambulance: 466-3468
Hospital: 466-3411
Poison Control: 1-800-722-1110
Mental Health Crisis: 1-888-737-4668
Photography by Paul Tilley.